Brandling Primary School

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School Uniform

We believe that uniform is an important part of school life.

It allows children to feel part of the school and shows that we value learning and our learning environment. In the same way, we have a dress code for adults working in school to ensure that children can see that we too value learning and our school.

It is our policy to recommend that children wear a uniform, although this is not compulsory it is expected. The uniform is very simple and can be bought quite inexpensively from most chain stores or with a school logo from the school office.

You can order sweatshirts and polo shirts bearing the school logo online or from the office in school. The sweatshirts can be embroidered with your child’s name (extra cost applies) and we encourage all parents to take advantage of this as it helps enormously in managing lost sweatshirts.



Grey or black trousers (not jogging pants or sports trousers), grey skirt, pinafore dress

White polo shirt or white shirt (with logo can be ordered through school)

Red sweatshirt/jumper or cardigan  with school logo (ordered through school)

Plain black shoes or trainers.

Shorts in warmer weather. 


All children have their own Brandling PE kit in school, which they use for PE lessons, sports clubs and PE trips/competitions. This kit contains a T-shirt and shorts. Trainers are brought in from home and should be a dark. Children may bring in a black or grey fleece top to wear in the colder weather.

Children take part in indoor PE lesson in bare feet unless there is a health issue.


Children should not bring valuables and toys to school unless requested to do so by a teacher or by agreement with a senior member of staff.

Jewellery should not be worn to school. The school allows small plastic studs (available from school free of charge) to be worn in the ears but these must be removed for PE. No hoop or dangly earrings can be worn. If children are getting their ears pierced, it should be at the beginning of the summer holidays so studs can be removed at the beginning of term for PE.

Children are allowed to wear a watch but this must be removed for PE activities. Smart watches are not permitted.

If you would like to place an order you can place orders direct with our supplier, Emblematic Limited at

or print and fill our form and return to the school office with your deposit.

Any queries please contact the school office on 0191 4334079

Uniform Order Form 2020