Brandling Primary School

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Our Vision

Our vision is that Brandling Primary School provides:

  • A school with a high quality, inclusive, creative, personalised education for all its pupils who are all different, yet all equal.
  •  A school with an environment to enable everyone to reach their true potential in a safe and enjoyable setting where they can be proud of their achievements in all aspects of their life.
  •  A school with enriching experiences by providing exciting and inspiring opportunities for all to achieve and excel.
  •  A school with the highest expectations of all members of its community and is dedicated to maintaining and building on the highest possible standards

The staff and governors of Brandling Primary School will:

  • Provide a broad, balanced, personalised yet creative curriculum.
  • Have the highest standards in academic, physical and aesthetic pursuits.
  • Foster a climate within which pupils’ spiritual and moral development will form the basis by which they will mature into responsible citizens.
  • Seek to provide and maintain a secure, happy caring environment.
  • Help pupils develop a love of learning.
  • Help pupils develop the basic skills needed to make their way in the world.
  • Help pupils value the diversity of the world today.
  • Work within the legal requirements of the National Curriculum.

We at Brandling strongly believe that ‘respect’ is at the heart of the school community and that unless there is a mutual respect between home/school, pupil/teacher, parent/teacher, school/community the school will not achieve its aims.