Brandling Primary School

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English Reading

Our curriculum takes children on their journey from Nursery right through to Year 6.

In Nursery and Reception:

Our Early Years curriculum for Nursery and Reception pupils follows the ‘Early Years Framework’ which then links into Years 1-6 where we follow the National Curriculum for English. We have designed a sequenced and progressive long term planning format to ensure that lessons build on prior knowledge and enable our pupils to know more and remember more. Please visit our Early Years page within this section of the website to find out more about early reading.

The National Curriculum divides reading skills into two dimensions: word reading/ decoding and comprehension. We recognise that both of these elements are essential to success and promote the acquisition of both sets of skills through high quality teaching across the curriculum.

We have adopted the Read, Write Inc. Phonics Programme to ensure that phonics is taught in a systematic and engaging way. We have clear expectations of pupils’ phonic progress which is assessed at least every eight weeks, but often sooner. We have invested in high-quality phonic books which underpin the sounds pupils have been taught.

Reading is a developmental process and part of life-long learning. Therefore, there is an expectation that every new English unit begins with a quality text which challenges pupils, including the more able. By developing a comprehensive range of reading skills, we aim to foster in the children a love and appreciation of a wide range of literature, including texts from our literary heritage.

Pupils’ acquisition and command of vocabulary is key to their learning and progress across the whole curriculum and the link between vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehension is crucial. We develop vocabulary actively, across our curriculum. We recognise that it is vital for pupils’ comprehension that they understand the meanings of words they meet in their reading across all subjects.  At Brandling Primary, pupils develop reading in all subjects to support their acquisition of knowledge. Pupils are taught to read fluently, understand extended prose (both fiction and non-fiction) and are encouraged to read for pleasure.

Reading Comprehension at Brandling Primary School

From Year 2 onwards, most pupils begin daily reading comprehension lessons.  Pupils’ reading is more focused on reading comprehension skills although some pupils are supported to continue to develop phonic ability within these lessons and also through 1:1 intervention.

Enjoyment of reading is promoted through the study of a range of texts, including poetry, non-fiction and novels.  

Whole class, group and partner discussion enable children to: share opinions about themes in the text; make predictions; ask questions; summarise the information and understand vocabulary and more complex language patterns. Once these discussions have taken place, children learn a range of skills to enable them to answer questions about a text. The children are taught the skills of simple information retrieval and shown how to gain a deeper understanding of the text using the complex skill of inference.  The exploration of vocabulary is a key element of reading comprehension lessons as our aim is to help pupils to develop a love of language.

The ultimate aim is for children to become avid readers who are not only able to understand a text, but are able to make judgements, express opinions and preferences – clearly justifying their reasons.

Accelerated Reader

All of our children in Year 2 to Year 6 participate in the Accelerated Reader program.

Accelerated Reader is a computer program that helps teachers manage and monitor children’s independent reading practice. Children pick a book at their own level and read it at their own pace. When finished, they take a short comprehension quiz using the ipads. In the children's reading lesson, they have designated Accelerated Reader time. During this time, they have independent reading time, opportunities to complete quizzes, receive feedback on their reading from their class teacher and be taught specific reading skills to enable them to make further progress.

We celebrate success with classroom displays, awards in assemblies and certificates to show how much we value hard work in

What is Renaissance Accelerated Reader (AR)?

AR is a reading program that helps teachers support and monitor children’s reading practice. Your child picks a book at their own level and reads it at their own pace. When finished, your child takes a short online quiz to measure how much of the book they understood.

What is a Renaissance Star Reading test?

Star Reading is an online test used to measure your child’s reading level. The test uses multiple-choice questions and takes around 20 minutes.The children will sit a star reading test in school every term.

How do students select books?

AR includes over 30,000 books. These can be found in the school library as well as public libraries, books shops, homes, etc. Each book is assigned three scores to help your child make a suitable choice. You can use AR BOOK FIND  to find a book in your child's ZPD range.

Book Level

Book Levels represent the difficulty of the text. The Star Reading test tells your child what range of Book Levels to read within. This is called the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD).


Books are assigned Points based on their word count. Points are earned by passing quizzes. Students are set personalised targets each term by their teacher. This is celebrated in every class and in whole school assemblies. 

Research has shown that Accelerated Reader enables children to make excellent progress in their reading comprehension and motivates children to read for pleasure. As with anything, performance improves with practice. Encourage your child to read at home. Create a culture of reading in your household by reading with your child, starting a home library, visiting your local library or bookshop on a regular basis, letting your child see you reading, and discussing books that each of you has read. When reading with your child, stop and ask questions to be sure your child is comprehending what is read. Reading with your child, no matter what the child’s age, is an important part of developing a good reader and building a lifelong love of
reading and learning.


Reading Plus

Reading Plus is a resource used by Upper Key Stage 2 to support and enhance reading. 

Reading Plus provides an integrated reading intervention program for all learners. The program includes an adaptive assessment, personalised instruction and practice, and easily accessible resources that enable teachers to meet the needs of every student.

Personalised Learning

Reading Plus customises instruction for every student by placing students at their just-right levels based on assessment data, and continually adapting to ongoing progress.


The Reading Plus adaptive assessment, InSight, provides a fast and effective way to determine students’ reading proficiency and ensure they are on a personalised learning path to success.

Content Library 

Reading Plus provides an extensive library of engaging informational and literary selections that support instructional objectives through student-centered learning.



Recommended Reads

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6