Brandling Primary School

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Subject Leader: Mr M Rodger 

Our Vision

At Brandling, we value the importance of mathematics in everyday life and possibilities that it can lead to. We have an inclusive curriculum that strives for all learners to succeed and have the foundations they need for success. Our curriculum focuses on reducing cognitive overload and allowing for mathematical concepts to be revisited and for children to build on their prior knowledge. Through the mastery approach we aim for children to become competent and independent mathematicians and creative problem solvers.

Times Tables Rockstars

TT Rockstars was introduced in September 2018. The programme allows all children in school from Year 1 up to Year 6 access to times tables games and tests. Weekly TT Rockstars assemblies are held in school where children compete for awards. The programme is fantastic preparation for the Year 4 Multiplication check.  More importantly, it is developing a secure knowledge of fundamentally vital facts to a child's mathematical development. 


Key Documents:


Skills Progression

Schemes of work

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Calculation policies  

At Brandling Primary School, we advocate a holistic approach to teaching mathematical calculation, encompassing practical, verbal, and mental exercises. As children begin to understand the underlying ideas they develop ways of recording to support their thinking and calculations. The selection of suitable strategies, recording in mathematics and in calculation in particular is an important tool both for furthering the understanding of ideas and for communicating those ideas to others.

Written methods should be viewed as complementary to mental methods and should not be seen as separate from them. . The overarching goal is for children to employ mental strategies where suitable. However, for calculations that they cannot do in their heads they use an efficient written method accurately and with confidence. It is important children acquire secure mental methods of calculation and one efficient written method of calculation for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division which they know they can rely on when mental methods are not appropriate.

White Rose Maths Multiplication and Division

White Rose Maths Addition and Subtraction