Brandling Primary School

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Subject Leader: Mr Wearmouth

Our Vision

At Brandling Primary School, we aim to implement a strong and in depth History Curriculum, which builds a love of History and will develop our children into young historians. Each year, we aim to build upon the children’s prior knowledge and develop their long term memories, making links across the key stages and the wider curriculum.  We aim to inspire curiosity by taking the children on a voyage of discovery through the history of the local area, Great Britain and the wider world. Our children will be supported to develop their analytical thinking through a range of historical enquires, whilst exploring key historical moments from their living memory and beyond. Throughout the curriculum, we are keen to develop a secure knowledge of chronological order, linked in with a variety of ancient civilizations, events, cultures and historical figures. At Brandling, we are proud to have an inclusive history curriculum which allows all children to succeed and develop their historical knowledge both in and out of the classroom environment.

History Whole School Overview 

History Policy

Skills Progression

Schemes of work

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Year 6 Shang Religion Presentations