Brandling Primary School

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Pupil Premium          

The PPG is allocated to support children who are currently known to be eligible for free school meals (FSM), or have been over the last 6 years.

The purpose of the grant is to raise attainment and remove barriers to learning. The grant is calculated using data from the census taken in January.

Brandling Primary School Objectives

  • To raise the emotional well-being of targeted individuals with pupil premium
  • To address identified gaps in attainment of pupils who receive pupil premium
  • To raise the proportion of PP children who are exceeding ARE
  • To ensure children are on track to make expected (or better) progress by the end of Key Stage 2.

How will Ofsted evaluate our use of pupil premium?

  • Inspectors are required to consider the impact of the pupil premium
  • Inspectors will look at the achievement of pupils eligible for the pupil premium
  • Pupils eligible for the pupil premium should be making sustained progress
  • School leaders should ensure that the pupil premium is being used effectively  

Number of pupils and pupil premium Grant (PPG) received for 2024-2025

Total number of pupils on roll


Percentage of pupil premium eligible pupils


Total amount of PPG received


We continue to target the identified  objectives above and improve the learning of our pupils

  • To continue to ensure children achieve detailedknowledge and skills in maths, maintaining standards ofattainment and achievement and producing high qualitywork.
  • To continue to ensure the identification and targetedsupport of disadvantaged pupils maximises attainmentand achievement and closes the gap between other groups
    of pupils.
  • To continue to ensure children achieve detailedknowledge and skills in reading and writing, maintainingstandards of attainment and achievement and producinghigh quality work.
  • To continue to ensure that all children with SEND & LACachieve exceptionally well and have the knowledge and culture capital to succeed in life.
  • To ensure all staff use their understanding of the key aspects of learning and incorporate the specific strategies in the school curriculum and teaching and learning policiesto ensure learning sticks into long term memory.
  • To further refine the schools use of formative assessment within the foundation subjects to check
    knowledge and understanding and inform teachin
  • To identify and support children who have sufferedduring the recent school closures due to the pandemic toaddress any gaps in learning and well-being to enablethem to succeed in life.
  • Regularly review interventions to ensure impact of targeted support on all pupils including disadvantaged.
  • Regularly review interventions to ensure impact of targeted support on all pupils including disadvantaged.
  • To embed the use of the PAT tracking to analyse pupilpremium and updated pupil analysis grids
  • To monitor the use of Pupil premium money for childrentargeted to achieve above ARE to ensure value for moneyfrom staffing.
  • Use of Kalmer counselling services to provide one to one sessions and group work to targeted individuals.
  • Organise in school & after school curriculum clubs to  provide curriculum opportunities disadvantaged children  do not normally experience using materials from the 50 things to do before you are 11 3/4, Pottery club and Forest School clubs to provide curriculum opportunities disadvantaged children do not normally experience.